1 Less Straw | 1LessStraw

The OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign

Why This Is Important

Each year 100,000 marine animals and over 1 million sea birds die from ingesting plastic.

Every day we use 500,000,000 plastic straws. That’s enough straws to fill 46,400 large school buses PER YEAR!

U.S. Consumption is equal to enough plastic straws to wrap around the earth’s circumference 2.5 times a day!

Our Mission:

The OneLessStraw pledge campaign strives to educate the public about the dangers of single use plastic straws, its effects on our health, our environment, and our oceans.



The OneLessStraw pledge campaign is a campaign created by One More Generation (OMG) and its partners. OMG is a nonprofit organization founded by Carter and Olivia Ries back in 2009 when they were 8.5 and 7 years old. Carter and Olivia have become world renowned for their work on plastic pollution education and animal conservation.

CLICK HERE for videos created by our founders about this campaign.

Families Businesses Schools Partners

Sign the pledge today!

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